Great Carpet Tips For Residential Rentals

However thoughtful your tenants and however durable your fittings, every landlord will, at some point, need to replace the flooring in their residential rentals. It can be an expensive and time-consuming job, but if you want to save time and money, installing a carpet that is good value and durable will pay dividends in the…

Laminate or Timber Flooring?

Hard floor surfaces have become very popular with those wanting a luxurious and enduring floor. Both timber and laminate floors offer a high-quality finish that is easy to clean and provides an elegant look that works with both modern and classic decor. High quality hardwood floors can last for a century or more, with only…

Bring Back Brightly Coloured Carpet

Make a statement with the fibres under your feet. Neutrals have their place, but the floor isn’t always the most practical position for pale shades. Lightly-coloured walls, wooden furniture and a brightly-coloured or patterned carpet can bring character and personality to a room that’s in danger of complete blandness. A bold colour can help you…

Beautiful Australian Timber Floors

Australia is the envy of the world for its access to great-quality, durable and affordable hardwoods. At CCC, we aim to offer our customers a great choice of timber floating floors without sacrificing value or the environment. A floating timber floor is one of the best long-term flooring choices you can make, with good-quality timber…

Freshen it Up With Vinyl Flooring

Quick, affordable and practical, vinyl flooring is a great choice for anyone needing to replace their flooring on a budget, but who still wants a finish that is durable and easy to maintain. In an office environment, commercial vinyl floors are simple to maintain, easy to install and can provide a stylish, seamless finish. At…

Why Choose Carpet Tiles?

Carpet tiles have enjoyed an upsurge in popularity recently, as manufacturers have reinvented their style with intricate yet flexible designs, clever details and interesting textures. It’s possible to get carpet tiles now with a shag pile finish or made entirely from shaggy sheep’s’ wool. Probably the most practical and easily-maintained floor covering for high-traffic areas,…

Neutral Carpet That Isn’t Boring 

Beige, bland and boring: all too often, those are the only options available when you are on a quest for a carpet that will work in every room in your home or office. Sometimes, it seems that every rental apartment or office building in the state has purchased the same cheap carpet in bulk and…

What’s Carpet Pile and Why Does it Matter?

Pile simply refers to the surface of a carpet and describes the length and finish of the tufts of yarn threaded through the backing to create the nap. Beyond the simple description of carpets being low (with short tufts) or high pile, there are other pile considerations you might want to bear in mind while…

Installing A Floating Timber Floor

A timber floor from CCC is a durable and practical alternative to cheap carpet, and installing a timber floating floor is one job that many people choose to tackle themselves. However, fitting it so that it looks neat and professional can still be a time-consuming task and shouldn’t be taken on without the right equipment…